Technical Developments

Technical Infrastructure Development Activities in SIMA

July 24, 2024

The SIMA Software Ecosystem consists of a number of separate code bases that are related to one another in a specific way. For example, the Community Earth System Model (CESM) is dependent on an atmosphere model (CAM-SIMA), and CAM-SIMA is dependent on the CCPP framework which builds the CCPP compliant physics suites. Below is a schematic showing the entire SIMA Software Ecosystem and their dependencies, where each box represents a separate code base that is housed and maintained in its own Github repository. Progress on the individual code bases will be summarized on this web page periodically, so please check back!



Github repositories:

  • ccpp-framework - CAPGEN CCPP framework

  • CAM-SIMA - NCAR host model

  • UFS - NOAA host model

  • Atmospheric_Physics - CCPP-compliant CAM physics

  • MUSICA - CCPP-compliant chemistry

  • ccpp-physics - CCPP-compliant UFS physics

  • WRF Physics - CCPP-compliant mesoscale physics suite

  • MPAS-A Dynamical Core - NCAR non-hydrostatic dycore for mesoscale applications

  • Standard Name Dictionary - Dictionary of CCPP standardized variable names